Community Blog | Quick Bust Friendly Sews for Spooky Season with Kerri
It’s that time of year, everyone is in crunch time to make their last Halloween items. The question always lies, to costume or not to costume. I myself tend to lean toward making a new costume every year but you can’t always go out in full costume. For this reason this year I decided to make a few quick tops/dresses to wear for non costumed events.
I chose the Galena Dress from Little Lizard King, The Plantain Top from Deer and Doe, and The Vista Top from George and Ginger. I chose these 3 designs because they were something a little special. The Galena and Vista both have fun design elements and the Plantain offers a simple beauty. Also so important both the Plantain and Galena are free patterns!
To make these spooky I chose fabrics to represent the season. The Plantain is made with a star embellished black mesh fabric I picked up from The Bra Makery. The Galena is made from a knit Art Gallery Bat fabric I picked up from Phee Fabrics. Lastly the Vista I made with a fun forest knit I got from Jumping June Textiles. These prints could put anyone in the spooky spirit! Happy Halloween!

Kerri is a sewist with about 5 years of experience. She is a mom of 3, a lover of fashion and all things vintage. She puts her heart and soul into everything she does and that is why she is so in love sewing: She can make things that are uniquely her! Find all of Kerri’s makes on Instagram @sewsewwonderful